A Fast Raising Lagos Base Minstrel Has This To Say About The 21st Century Prophet @Leroy Jakes


If any man/woman ever asks you this question, Don't believe anything that will come out from their mouth after this question.

2 Peter 1:21 says, For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

None of God's prophets, ever asked people if they should prophesy.  Isaiah said, "A virgin shall conceive", he never asked anyone if he should foretell of the coming messiah!!  So if anyone ever asks you, Can I prophesy, tell them, "Go and fortune tell someone else" REAL prophecy from God does not come from the WILL OF MAN! Why are you asking man if you should prophesy??

Its the same as Sangomas, before they can prophesy you, they ask.."Vumani bo" in other words, they are saying, Can I prophesy???, then you say, "Ngiya vuma", you are saying.. Yes Papa, go deeper!!! Then the sangoma starts getting forensic on you.  So tell me,  why is the Holy Spirit in 2017 behaving like ancestral spirits, asking people.. "Vumani bo?"

So when you hear anyone asking  you if they should prophesy.. Be bold, have courage, take a deep breath and say.....Hamba Satan!!

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