Donald Trump Moves Embassy To Jerusalem, Pastor Chris Conducts Historic Trip To Israel

The Man of God and spiritual leader of millions around the world, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, is conducting a historic trip to the Holy Land this May. The week-long trip coincides with many monumental events that will be occurring in Israel at the same time. For one, this year marks 70 years to the declaration of independence of the State of Israel. Additionally, May 2018 is the month that Donald Trump, the President of the United States and an avid supporter of the Evangelical community in the US, declared the move of the US Embassy to Jerusalem to occur. The Bible tour will occur from May 10th until May 18th, including a brief trip to Jordan in the middle.

The uniqueness of the Holy Land is ever so evident, as it signifies the land that Jesus Christ himself was born in, where the history is felt throughout each monument and city. Pastor Chris will be accompanied by hundreds of followers who are fortunate enough to partake on this journey with him. The Land of Israel is supernatural and is the actual place where events from the New Testament, along with the Bible occurred. Additionally, the Holy Land is accommodating to various religions and cultures. It is because of this very reason that the magnitude of this journey is ever so evident.

The connection between Evangelical Christians and Israel will be strengthened throughout this visit. Pastor Chris plans to hold several ministrations during the trip, gathering together his supporters in unison in an effort to encourage spiritual lifting.
As mentioned above, the historic trip will coincide with the declaration of the American Embassy’s move to Jerusalem. A declaration of such standing represents the strong connection that the state of Israel has to America and President Trump, who is also known to be an avid supporter of the Evangelical community in the U.S. The declaration was stated in unison with the 70th year of Israel’s independence, thus proving the immense appreciation the Trump administration has to the State of Israel. He understood the great significance the country has, to Christians and Jews alike, and recognizes the biblical connation it has. The history behind Israel is undoubtedly the most prominent one, as it tells a story that dates back thousands of years to the Old Testament, and there is still evidence of its very existence within the land today. As we grow closer to the great move, we are reminded of the power of President Trump and his dedication to the Holy Land, as he did not succumb to the incredulous pressure he faced from his international neighbors.

The sites in Israel that Pastor Chris will be visiting include the Western Wall, the Sea of Galilee, the Garden Tomb & Golgatha, along with many others as well. He will spend two days in Jordan visiting Petra and Jerash, exploring the deep history there as well. Pastor Chris chose these sites in order to delve into the importance they have to Christians across the globe and to emphasize the importance of a constant remembrance of each one within daily life. Sites such as the Tomb of Lazarus of Bethany holds great importance in the lives of Christians, as it is the exact place where Jesus performed the great miracle of bringing back Lazarus from the dead. Emmaus, mentioned in Luke, where Jesus appeared to two of his disciples after his death and resurrection, is also on the itinerary. These historic sites will be graced with Pastor Chris’s presence, along hundreds of his followers.
The ultimate purpose of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome’s pilgrimage is to create a spiritual journey for hundreds of followers, as well as for the Christians and Jews of the Holy Land. The people of Israel will be granted the opportunity to hear firsthand, from the Man of God himself, a deep analysis of the miracles of Jesus Christ and the biblical significance the country still holds today. The State of Israel welcomes Pastor Chris and his administration to join them on this incredulous journey, strengthening the powerful relationship they share, making history worldwide.

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