There Is Life On The Other Side (Teller Of Tales) @speak2luv08

I opened the refrigerator to take out the cabbage and what I saw (Pic A) left me completely dumbfounded. It looked hopeless. I tried to unravel the first two layers and they were dead. I gave up. I found something else to eat. Just as I was about to toss it in the bin, I decided just to try one more time. So layer by layer, I took them out. And there it was (Pic B). Under all those layers of hopelessness were fresh layers of cabbage bursting with life.

I don't know what lies the devil has told you. I don't care to know. You just need to know, there is life waiting on the other side. That situation may seem insurmountable and may have stretched you to your limit and left you beat. Don't give up! There is still life inside of you.

For others, you may have been overcome with work and the hustle and bustle of life. You don't want to get up on most mornings. You are sick and tired of being sick and tired. Don't through in the towel just yet. Beneath all that frustration is life. Don't give up.

And for some, you are stuck with a person or a situation and you feel it will never change. Don't give up just yet. Who would have thought that Paul, a persecutor of the Christians would become an apostle? Beneath all that madness, God's love will shine through

Others may have had to walk away from negativity and have had to start over and you wonder how to start over. Fret not. There is life on the other side.

Peace and love always...


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